Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Isn't this beautiful? Wow - I don't care if there are too many. It makes me just grin to look at them. You probably can't see them, but there are all sorts of other things interplanted, like dill, basil (sort of) onions, shallots, parsley, swiss chard and anaheim peppers. I think that's all...
This is a basil "plant" - no really, it is! Yes, I have ordered an organic (I think) antidote to earwigs and pill bugs!
Beautiful beans, both pole (center)and bush (edges). Got to get a better support system going for those pole beans in the middle.
Still going with these totes for the potatoes, and they sure seem to be thriving!
Look, blossoms starting on the potatoes! Maybe we'll be eating baby potatoes soon!

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