Friday, November 30, 2007

Compost Bin!

World's most elegant compost bin - prebuilt in the shop and ready for assembly.

Might be hard to see the nice arched gates Todd built.
They're so pretty.Nice cat Gabe, caught in a rarely good photo, sporting his nice thick winter coat.
My cute little Christmas country church, bought at the Riversdale Grange the day after Thanksgiving, for $15 - my favorite buy of the day, for the price.


Karyn said...

Nice compost area! Way to make a potential eye-sore pretty.

And...if you lived closer to us, I'd recruit you to decorate a table for our church's ladies Christmas tea. We're using churches as our decorating theme this year.

Happy Saturday! Love, Karyn

Laura said...

Those arches are beautiful! Any chance that you all want a East Coast vacation? We'd give you free room and board in exchange for Todd building us some cool stuff around the house! :)

Meggan said...

Nice compost bin. What size is it?
Our two little circular, wire bins work but we can generate more organic matter than we can compost at once. We are going bigger this next year. I think that whole rest of the yard needs to be a garden. I hope for a clear hot summer like we had the first year we were in our house, we had squash and zucchini coming out our ears, it was great. We may try to do one weekend at a farmers market or something later in the summer just for fun.
And I love what you and Todd are doing we your place, increasing biodiversity with the rabbits, extending the season with the green house and merging your lives with the cycles of decomposition with the compost bin. Great, great stuff.
One thing on having animals. One thing that I learned from a book by Joel Salatin is the concept of stacking different animals together. So if you want to have chickens in addition to the bunnies this guy suggests putting straw in the bottom of the hutch and allowing the chickens access to that area to scratch and incorporate the rabbit poo into the bedding, beginning the composting process. The poo smell is greatly reduced by being combined with the bedding, the chickens eat anything of value in the bunny poo and all is enhance by combining two species. just a thought for the future. Think of the eggs.
Anyway, you place is looking great, I hope we can see it soon. Thanks for the post and the pictures.

